Thursday, February 2, 2012

I am Ency

Well, I guess I should start with the fact that I am Ency. This is quite an important fact, and will become even more vital as time goes by.
We don't want you to forged who I am after all.

This blog is essentially my experiences, challenges, solutions, learning, and celebrations about developing software.
I am not what you may call an expert, by any means, but I do like to think that I have some ability.

I am currently working on a project for a little group that likes to call itself tenFold Studios. I don't know why the capitalisation is like that, but it is correct according to my trusty source.

tenFold, and also me I guess, are working on a free Pokemon engine, and also a game created with that engine.
It is being created using Microsoft XNA and C#, pretty much entirely from scratch.
It has fairly interesting having to learn a new programming language, and learning how to use XNA for game development.
The project has currently been under development for a little over a year if my memory serves me correctly. For a team made up entirely of a bunch of people who have never made a game before I think the progress we've made is admirable.

So, this is Ency's Blog, and it will be a place where I can gloat and nerd-rage.

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